The Fenixloods II is a landmark at Katendrecht, an old city harbor area in Rotterdam. From these quays, millions of people left Europe for their American Dream.
Stichting Droom en Daad transforms Fenixloods II, an old harbour warehouse, to a Museum of Migration.
Eyecatcher is the Tornado, designed by MAD Architects. It is an organic, dynamic structure that climbs from the ground floor and flows up and out of the rooftop onto a platform hovering above the city.
Beersnielsen has been asked for the lighting design of this huge building, the Tornado, the landmark at the atrium in the middle and the exterior of the building.
The museum will be situated at the first floor of the building. In the middle of the building above the atrium, an enormous tornado forms a look-out over the city. At the ground floor visitors and local residents can eat and drink and do some shopping.
Images: artist impression, designed by MAD Architects