Lighting design on urban scal for the Hofbogen in Rotterdam. City at Eye Level is a game developed by the municipality of Rotterdam, housing cooperation Havensteder and Stipo for the ZOHO area in Rotterdam. Eight teams made creative plans for the plinths and the adjacent outdoor space in this developing neighborhood.Our idea is to illuminate the old train tracks at the ceiling under the former railway line, as a glimpse of the past. Not all the underpasses have the same size and shape, and the underpasses are used in different ways. Some have a lot of traffic passing, others are just there for walkers or cyclists. We are playing with this information and the kind and amount of light we will use per underpass. Light should make people feel save to pass and make the Hofbogen an attractive part of the city, showing the history of the former Hofpleinlijn.
At the moment we are talking with several stakeholders about the implementation of this idea, so you have to wait a bit before you can see it for real. Check our Facebookpage, or our site to keep updated.
Beersnielsen is working with Paula Arntzen from Studio Arntzen on this project.
Video from iGuzzini about the project: